
Got a beautiful faery spirit shape shadow on my fly curtain this morning just as I was admiring the Autumn sunshine and energy x it’s nice to know magik and the faery realm are around xx ♥️ blessings


Noticed this straight away in my morning cappuccino, crab with two bubble eyes, really cute x 😊it’s a symbol of luck


Symbol of transformation! Rising out of the ashes, rebirth! A power symbol,signs are all around when we are aware xxx


Just finished a commission,loved designing this,lots of sparkle that in the light makes the angel light up when light shines in it x

Faery lights

Decorating a small tree in the garden brings a bit of sparkle in the darker evenings,like Angels,lights aren’t just for Christmas x


The nights drawing in but beautiful sunset tonight that was almost lilac,a half crescent moon, inspired for my next Angel art!